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Author Archives: Kimberley Imperiale

Nest Thermostat a “training ground” for Smart Homes.

“There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live”… John Adams

As the concept of Smart Homes continues to build momentum, the question arises, “Am I comfortable with this technology?”

I had the question myself when I first began to outfit my home with the latest technology. Sun Home Automation, Richmond’s go to home automation company, handled that challenge in a most simple and effective manner.

We simply built a “Nest,”… a thermostat that is. Read More >>>

When is a home “smart?”

In some respects, it’s hard to believe this quote actually came from the Apple taskmaster general but truer words were never spoken.

We know there are situations where humans take advantage of technology for less than honest endeavors, but the benefits of technology — when appropriately applied –bring enormous benefits. 

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